Thursday, December 10, 2009


i know it's been a long time since i've written. I KNOW.

but- (insert big gasp of anticipation here) -i'm back. happy holidays to all :) it's beginning to feel like christmas around here with the cold weather, but where the heck is the snow?! being raised on minnesota winters definitely makes it a little more difficult to feel christmas-y without snow around, but fingers crossed that we'll get some (not a lot because people around here can't drive worth a damn in it) soon.

haven't made it up to the slopes yet, and probably won't until after the new year, which gives me a little more time to save my body from the snow assault i'll probably take on once i get back on the snowboard... sigh. shredder will return! we should all take a moment to mourn the future owies i will have.

not too much new around my 'hood. oh wait, i take that back. my best friend, B, moved to LA last month. i had the sads for awhile about that, but am ok with it now. one more person to go visit in california :) my old college roommate, J, is probably moving down there in january as well. boo. we're all growing up and moving on... one more sigh.

well my day is coming to a close at the office, so i'll pick back up in a day or two. or tonight if i'm feeling writerific - yes, i just made up that word - go with it.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


"ahhhhhh." that my friends, was a sigh of relief. i have been carrying around so much stress lately it has taken it's toll! but now, after a few changes, i can breathe much easier - and get back to focusing on getting my summer started!

last night i took a little risk and cut bangs in my hair - i know, big whoop, but hey! it's a change for me! they are very sassy, if i do say so myself. i got the thumbs up from the bf, so i suppose that's a good sign. especially when he says "i LIKE!" :)

we leave this friday afternoon for a getaway with friends on vashon island - i'm so excited! it's been quite awhile since i've had a planned 3 day weekend, so i'm definitely looking forward to spending memorial day weekend with good friends and good weather to boot! on top of this adventurous weekend, i'm heading to arizona in a little less than 2 weeks for G's grad school graduation. i am super anxious and can't wait to see everyone down there - i'll be there for 6 days - 6 days of +100 degree heat! OMG! i will definitely be picking up some sunscreen :) i've been tanning to prepare my fair skin for the assault it's about to endure, so hopefully that helps a little. (i've got my fingers crossed)

well, i suppose i should stop wasting viable work time to blog and browse the internet... so farewell my friends... for now :)

Friday, April 17, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


this weekend was a reminder of just exactly why i am no longer qualified to party like i used to in college. i will say that it was super fun, but honestly, there was no reason i should have drank literally ALL weekend long. so much for those calories, right?

i certainly paid for my adult beverage intake though... i won't go into details - let's just say i felt like i wanted to die on monday morning - which was also probably brought on by the amount of food i ate on sunday. not smart, em... not smart at all.

but now that i'm back to normal (i think), it's time to get down to business... summer is right around the corner, and with the taste we've had the last few days - i need to go full throttle at the gym! swimsuit season is almost here, and for anyone that knows my financially crippling addiction to buying bathing suits, i will be sporting them as often as possible and trying to soak up as much sun as my schedule will allow me!

which brings me to my next point - i am SO proud of myself this year! for lent, i gave up anything drive-thru that i could eat - which means i could still be a drive-thru banker, i just couldn't stop for a snack or a coffee anywhere! i made it! (ok, i'm jumping the gun a few days early, but give me a break!) not only have i not gone through a drive-thru, but i have abstained from eating fast food altogether and haven't had coffee since Ash Wednesday - i have to tell you, it wasn't easy! i will tell you though, that i definitely saved money by not spontaneously dropping by coffee stands for a treat and i think i can continue on with this new "non" habit :) i think my bank account will appreciate me a little more for this.

so as far as everything else goes, life is good. the bf is good, work is good, weather is slowly but surely getting better, and i'm bound to get back on track with my goals. sadly, snowboarding season is coming to a close, but i think i gave it a good effort this year :) for a girl who's got a robot leg, that is. speaking of which, has been bothering me lately... just stiff and sore... :(

i guess EVERYTHING can't be great, but all in all, i'm content. last night, i had the honor of sharing the evening with T's family for his niece, Lucy's, 1st birthday! she is such a doll... i can't get enough of her little smile!

photo by: Jeff Honeycutt - Sea Studio

isn't she just the sweetest!? i've never seen a baby attack a cake like she did! it was maybe one of the most adorable things i've ever seen :) happy 1st birthday miss lucy!

Friday, March 27, 2009

daily plate.

I'm the newest member of The Daily Plate!... The website was suggested to me by B since her sister A has had so much success with it and swears by it (and with her results of losing over 45 lbs in a year - I'll take her word). I'm so excited now that I will really be able to track what I eat, how much I exercise, and be held accountable for what food and work I put into my body :) I have a feeling I'll become one of those people who religiously update their daily plate - I'm already a fanatic! A day and a half - and I'm completely on track :) In case you don't know about the Daily Plate, here's the web address:

The Daily Plate

Even without the Daily Plate, I must say, I've impressed myself with my commitment to getting back into shape - two and a half weeks in - I can already see results! I'm much more energetic (this may have to do with the fact that I'm back on track with my iron levels in my blood - but I like to think it's due to the exercising), I'm starting to see a little more definition in my arms, and when I stepped on the scale last night- for the first time in two weeks- I was down 4 lbs! GO ME!

On another bright note, I'm headed back up to Steven's tomorrow for some boarding :) Hopefully it keeps snowing and isn't quite as icy as last weekend! Cheers to the weekend friends! Have a good one... and as always -

God bless.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


i haven't quite felt like myself for the past week or so. not sure what the deal is - why i feel so unlike me, but i am damn well determined to get this out of my system. i have a couple roadblocks at the moment though - (one) i'm coming down with some sort of cold or something, i don't feel as awake, i've been more than usually stuffy, with a bit of a scratchy throat; (two) i took a nasty spill on sunday when we went up to steven's pass for a day of boarding. not sure how i did it, but made quite the fool of myself - hat and goggles went a-flying off of me and the way i landed i wrenched my neck. OUCH. i have an appointment tomorrow with my chiropractor to hopefully get this sorted out. not being able to turn my head or look down very easily without pain - is just that - a pain in my neck!

it's been pretty quiet around my place without V in town... she's off over in hawaii with her family - *cough cough LUCKY cough cough* - for a little less than a week left... must be rough! i don't mind the quiet and it looks as though T and i will be getting another dose of it this coming weekend. his roommates are leaving for the weekend, quite a few friends of ours are headed to whistler, and V doesn't come home until late saturday (i think). this will hopefully turn into a money-saving weekend with some quality us time :) now if i can just kick this icky feeling - we'll be good to go!

hope you all wore your green today - happy st. patricks day!

god bless.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


sorry, i've been slacking a bit. well i wouldn't necessarily say slacking - just busy! yesterday was my birthday and i must say - one of the better ones i've had in a long time. my birthday history is a rocky one - injuries, break-ups, etc., so... YAY for breaking the tradition!

we ate dinner at umi sake house last night - arranged by T... what a great guy :) i feel very lucky. i know he really wanted to make it special for me, and even knowing my avoidance of big self-celebrations and icky history of being upset on my birthday, he still pressed on - and with success :) my birthday this year was absolutely perfect. nothing too big, nothing too crazy - just right! (i can't wait to start working on my golf swing and putting skills thanks to him:) )

i'm at work right now, so don't really have much time to doddle on - so goodbye 23! HELLO 24!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


This snow business at the end February just plain sucks. That's all.

Friday, February 20, 2009


I leave tonight to go see one of my best friends, Ellie, in CA. I can't even begin to explain how excited I am to go see her!!! It's been almost 4 years since we last saw each other and, let me tell ya, that is WAY too long. Due to her first baby's premature arrival, a trip I had planned to make to see her almost 2 years ago, was forfeited - but now, she's healthy, plump with baby #2, and ready for me!

Ellie's and my history is brief - but FULL of laughter, adventure, and so many good memories. We were introduced in the Spring of 2005 by a good friend of mine - Jeff, who has always been like a big brother to me (ever since we met when I was 16 and we were both employees at the fine restaurant chain of McDonalds, which I have recently given up) - anyways, continuing. The night that Ellie and I connected as friends was a night where Jeff, Ellie, and I took a trip to the cliffs on Snake River (many of you know exa
ctly where I'm talking about) for a few beers and some time to soak up the summer sunshine. Post cliffs, we stopped at my favorite restaurant in Pullman - The Emerald (VERY classy place) for delicious Chinese food and banter... When Jeff realized that it was much easier for Ellie and I to make fun of him than it was for him to make fun of us, he knew he had created a witty monster by introducing us.

Our story continues with lots of drinking, camping trips, a Cinco de Mayo I don't think either of us will ever forget (or remember too much of), living together, The Jerk, I Heart Huckabees, laughing until we cried, and our art projects. We learned SO much about ourselves and each other that summer! Sadly, Ellie had to move home to Cali
fornia unexpectedly after that summer and I haven't seen her since, but the long phone calls and emails have not only strengthened our friendship/bond, they have made me realize that it is so easy to lose connections with people, but if the connection is worth it - you make it work, no matter the distance or time.

I'm sure I'll have TONS to write about after this long awaited weekend, but for now, all I can say is that I am ecstatic to leave and the day can't move faster!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


i am desperate!!!! desperate to go to coachella this coming april - i will do just about anything to make a few bucks to save up for the trip down to indio... miss b and i have a thing for music festivals, and i've always wanted to go to coachella, just never knew someone who wanted to go as much as i did until i found b! friday, april 19th has probably one of the best lineups i've seen in a long time - and i'm dying to go! help a girl out! :)

ahhh... in case you want to donate to the 'em goes to coachella fund' - here's my paypal: :)

but only do it if you share my passion for music too - or if ya just feel like sending a girl to her dream concert!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


let me preface this entry by saying that i am one of the worst procrastinators out there. when it comes to checking things off my to-do list, i have a horrible time rousing the self-encouragement to g0 get it done right away. this goes for working out, cleaning my room, grocery shopping - you get the point. lately though, i think i've gotten better about pushing back need-to-do tasks in exchange for want-to-do tasks. this is monumental for me people! this past week has been a perfect example of this... read on.

i woke up monday morning with the usual monday morning groggies - the whole 'drag myself out of bed' attitude, feeling as if i hadn't gotten enough sleep, when in fact, i know i did. after a quick shower and day prep - i felt a wave of motivation - i got to work a half hour early, which is something that happens here and there - but not frequently, got a few things i had been putting off checked off my work to-do list, and went on with my day. after work, i got home and started making a list of things that i wanted to accomplish this week before i left town for the weekend - let me tell ya, my list was not short - mostly because i hate leaving town with a mess at home. i started with the biggest thing on my list - to clean my kitchen. i have weird little quirks about my kitchen... things like how the dishwasher is organized, how my silverware tray is organized (each utensil has it's place!), etc etc. i went about my re-organizing, i cleaned out the refrigerator, did all the dishes, and it dawned on me - wow, our floor is pretty dirty. i spent right around an hour on my hands and knees scrubbing the hell out of our floor - a work out for sure AND something not even on my to-do list! i felt a sense of accomplishment over something so trivial and necessary! so to top off my evening of feeling oh so victorious in my kitchen - i decided i obviously couldn't just stop there - so i did about 3 loads of laundry - which is something i HATE doing.

now i know it's a slow start to this whole non-procrastinating thing, but i continued my diligence on completing my to-do list last night by cleaning my bathroom and bedroom and re-organizing my closets. i rewarded myself last night by making a delicious dinner - baked chicken with a honey, soy sauce, & pineapple juice glaze topped with sliced pineapple, and stir fried vegetables and white rice... mmmm and topped off with a nice glass of reisling. YUM!next on my new list of things not to procrastinate about: exercise... sigh.

Sunday, February 1, 2009


so i took snowboarding trip #2 yesterday up to the beautiful crystal mountain. last time it was mission ridge and i certainly did not leave that mountain satisfied with my performance and certainly not victorious. happily, i can say i feel like i broke even yesterday at crystal!!! woo hoo! as frustrated as i get with myself when i'm not good at something right away, i'm doing my best to learn patience and take it step by step. down at MR, turning sideways and flying down the hill fast scared the crap out of me! yesterday at crystal, i finally got a little gutsy and worked on turning sideways - with success! it's extremely exhilarating! i can see why my friends love this sport! obviously, i'm no shaun white yet - far from it - but i'm slowly but surely improving and i can't wait to try again! i only hope that my doting boyfriend can continue to be as patient as he has been with me :) i will get better, and sooner or later, will hopefully be able to keep up with him... the speed racer that he is!

besides the improvements of my boarding skills yesterday, i have definitely paid the price!! my body hurts in places i didn't know i could hurt, i am still pretty tired after almost 12 hours of sleep, aaaaaand i think i broke my ass. despite the multiple new bruises and sore muscles, i think the falls were worth the fun :) i can finally check one thing off my list of things that i have wanted to learn how to do for years!! i wasn't kidding when i said that i was ready to learn new things this year! next on my list... golf - haha, but thats going to have to wait. i will hone my newfound love of snowboarding to where i am comfortable going up to the mountain on my own... and then tackle the greens!

as much as i would love to hang out on my couch today and be entirely worthless, today is super bowl sunday and i have to root on the cardinals... hopefully the steelers don't cheat their way into another win - like when they STOLE our super bowl! so today will be a day full of things i love: food, beer, football, and friends :) happy superbowl sunday friends, and GO CARDS!

god bless!

Friday, January 30, 2009

375 days later...

wow, it has really been over a year since my accident! january 20th, 2008 was by far the most life changing day of my entire life thus far... easily, this past year changed me more than i thought possible. people surprised me with their loyalty, and people stunned me with their lack of compassion and value of true friendship. my family came to my aid and was truly my rock through my recovery process. i got myself out of an unhealthy relationship, recovered physically AND mentally, allowed myself to open up to someone again, and finally settled into a place where i feel that i'm where i'm supposed to be. i could go on and on about how sad i was to lose certain people in my life, but that would make it sound like i regret them, and i certainly don't. i don't regret their friendship by any means, however i do regret the fact that i had to realize their worth in my pool of friends through such a tragic occasion. 2008 was quite enlightening for me...

i am incredibly happy with my life right now. just like everyone else, i have my little gripes - not enough money for this, have to fix that, wish i could tone up, be more organized, etc - but i have stopped dwelling on the small stuff. it's true, you really can't sweat it because when you do, you lose sight of the bigger picture - that picture you're painting with every little action you make. i say, why not paint it with bright adventurous colors that bring a smile to your face instead of down-trodden boring colors that make you frown with worry and concern? obviously i'm not saying live your life completely carefree; that would just be irresponsible, but live life with less of a load on your shoulders. things can wait, and other things, you can make time for...

just remember, the people who really matter in your life are the ones who will sit on the phone with you, in the middle of the night, while you're upset and having a mini-meltdown or ones that will lie to the hospital operator on the phone just so they can talk to you in the trauma center to let you know that you're going to be alright and they're on their way from 300 miles away. find those people in your life and thank them - they are SO important! i truly don't know where i would be without those people. and never accept friendship or love out of pity - i learned this the hard way. once the pity fades, so does the affect.

i welcome 2009 with open arms and see it as an opportunity to experience new things and grow stronger - emotionally and physically - as i learn new things, meet new people, and all in all- live my life with more of a sense of who i am and who i am to become. i am thankful for my scars everyday for they remind me of the path that i have wheeled, crutched, limped, walked, and will soon - finally run...

god bless!